LFP Template

```A hook goes here, like an email, a poster, or a simple description of the setup of your story.```
**Title of Session (Optional but helpful)**
Oneshot / # of sessions for X Players and X Pokemon. (X Pokemon being a cap on how many they can bring along, not have in general). Follow up with a little out of character information talking about the specifics of the premise, up to a few paragraphs if you want.

CWs, safety tools (X-Card, pause to talk, and fade to black are considered mandatory in this server, but if you want to include more, go ahead), and other related info should be placed here.

Scheduling information, usually asking for an emoji react, can be placed at the end (Remember to make the emoji react yourself first so people can sign up with one click!). "React with Emoji for X Date/time!" followed by placing the emoji down after posting is a common format.